Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Nature Babycare Eco-friendly, Chlorine Free Diapers, Size 4 (22-37 Lbs), 120 Diapers

It took a Swedish mother of two boys to learn that every year of a babys life resulted in a mountain of used diapers weighing half a ton, every year. Half a ton! Couldnt this be done better? After many years of intense work and development the result is THE FIRST Eco-Friendly, high performance diaper based on "green" technology. Our ECO-friendly diapers perform as well as the best "traditional" diaper, yet are better for your baby and the environment. Marlene Sandberg, the creator of Nature Babycare said it best; "I don't believe in compromises or shortcuts."
Customer Review: Great Diaper
I think these diapers are fabulous! I think these are wonderful and make me feel much better about what I am doing to the earth. I read that in a average year a child goes through half a ton of diapers and we all know that they are not going to be reabsorbed into the earth in our lifetime. Cloth is for people way more dedicated to the cause (and less squimish) than me. Buy them when you can they go fast especially in the bigger sizes. Wish they made them as a pull up as well.
Customer Review: Not just for tree-huggers
We have never been particularly earth-conscious, but we are completely addicted to these diapers. Our daughter has severe allergies and would break out in hives every time we put other brands of diapers on her - it was awful. In desperation we switched to these diapers back when she was wearing size 2 (now she wears size 5 - oh how they grow) because they are not petroleum based and the whole family has been happy ever since. They can be hard to find, though, so snap them up if you get the chance. The perfect diaper for tree-huggers and sensitive skin alike.